Student Travel Grants
PAM 2010 will provide student travel grants to encourage
student participation. All students are eligible to apply for
the student travel grant whether an author of a paper or not.
The grant will cover flight, registration, and lodging with an
upper limit of CHF 1,400. Requests for travel grants should
comprise the following information:
- Your resume
- A short statement indicating if you are an author of a full
paper or plan to participate at a student workshop
- Your research interests
- Your advisor (or a faculty contact if you do not yet have an
advisor) should submit a letter of recommendation, confirming that
you are in good standing at your University, and commenting on the
strengths and potential contributions of the student. The advisor
letter should be emailed. It is the responsibility of the student to
ensure that the advisor's email is provided.
Send the above information (either in text or PDF) to all
Bernhard Plattner,
Arvind Krishnamurthy, and
Xenofontas Dimitropoulos.
Deadline for application is February 21st, 2010. Award
notification should be made by February 24th, 2010.
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