TMA Workshop

The 2nd International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA'10) is organized by the European Community COST Action COST-TMA. It follows the first edition of the workshop, where 15 papers were presented and 70+ researchers attended.

This year, it will be organized on the 7th of April 2010, as a full-day event co-located with PAM 2010, in Zurich, Switzerland.

Call for Papers

This year, the TMA workshop is seeking contributions that focus on validation of traffic characterization techniques, reporting independent validation of techniques, provide materials that promote cross validation, such as trace collections, tools, etc. See the complete Call for Paper for a more detailed description of the scope of the workshop and submission details.

Important Dates

Submission site up: Please, go to My Review to register and submit a paper.

  • Abstract Registration: November 6, 2009 23:59pm GMT (UK Time)
    November 13, 2009 23:59pm GMT (UK Time)
  • Paper Submission: November 13, 2009 23:59pm GMT (UK Time)
    November 21, 2009 23:59pm GMT (UK Time)
  • Notification of Decision: December 15, 2009
  • Camera Ready: January 15, 2010. See the Instructions for Authors
  • Workshop: April 7, 2010


General Chair Fabio Ricciato University of Lecce, FTW
Program Chairs Ernst Biersack Eurecom
  Marco Mellia Politecnico di Torino

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