This year we will be holding a poster and demo session aimed at showcasing new or ongoing work, early findings from measurement studies, and demonstrations of newly deployed systems. This is an opportunity to present and discuss current work in an informal setting during the PAM 2010 conference. Topics of interest are the same as research topics in the PAM conference CFP.
Posters will be selected on the following basis:
Authors of accepted papers in PAM 2010 may not submit a poster on the same work in those papers.
We define a poster to be A0 paper size to which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research. You can arrange the space and orient the poster either horizontally or vertically. You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel and important about your work. You are encouraged to provide a demo of your research results, if possible, during the poster session. Note that any necessary equipment for the demo will need to be provided by you.
You need to submit a one-page abstract (font at least 10pt) in PDF format describing the work to "amislove (at) ccs (dot) neu (dot) edu" with the subject "PAM 2010 Poster Submission". Your abstract should not exceed the page limit; longer submissions will not be considered for review. Your submission will be acknowledged by email within two days after you submit.
The abstract should identify the key contribution of the work being presented in the poster. In addition, it should describe the particular problem being addressed, what makes this problem interesting or important, and what your approach is to the problem.
Please provide the following information in your PDF file:
No reviews will be provided. Due to publication schedule constraints, posters will not appear in the PAM 2010 Proceedings. During the poster session, we will provide poster board and glue for mounting the posters.